Wimbledon - New Friends and Bittersweet Goodbyes

It has been a big week in the forest, we have gone from having some very sad goodbyes to having an amazing new set of children start with us. It has been fascinating watching all ages of children mix so happily and help each other learn the routine and rules of the day, as well as lots of play.

With it being the final week for many children we have been enjoying some tool work. Some have had a go at fire lighting using a flint and steel while others used a hammer to get nails into a plank. We also had a chance to make a busy board. Hammers and screwdrivers were used to add lots of little parts to it which our children can open, lock, twist, turn and spring. The children cannot wait to have their turn using it!

There has also been plenty of painting going on in the forest. There has been lots of group designs from painting large cardboard boxes collectively to creating a nature picture using natural items found on the floor.

A great week, topped off by a daily visitor of a friendly fox each day at afternoon snack!

Little Forest Folk