Wimbledon - Kindness Week!

Kindness Week!

This week we celebrated World Kindness Day, however, at Wimbledon we decided it should be a whole week’s worth of celebration! One of our BIGGEST forest rules is “kind and gentle”, something that we relate to our friends, our educators and the forest around us. This meant that this week we really focused on all of the things that we can do or say to show how kind all of our Little Forest Folk-ers are.

One of our favourite activities was making kindness stars out of recycled cardboard. The children traced around a star shape before cutting them out and then decorating them with lovely, bright colours and lots of fun patterns. Then we made a hole in the top and our little explorers had to practice using their fine motor skills to thread some string through. We then wrote things that we think are kind to say or do on the star e.g. “hugs”, “cuddle for mummy” and “thank you!” It was great to see these hanging up in the tree for everyone to see our kindness ideas!

Another ‘big think’ for us at Little Forest Folk Wimbledon is how we can be kind to our planet and our forest space. We share our walk into the forest with others and so we want to show our respect for the space. The children were asked to think about what we need to do to look after the forest and they said, “no more dog poo!” This inspired us to create signs with pictures drawn by our Little Forest Folk-ers to put up in the space around us. It is lovely to see how much they think about the space and know that we need to look after and care for it!

A really lovely week at Little Forest Folk Wimbledon, full of kindness and caring. We have still had all of our littles ones’ favourite forest activities on offer too, with fun building and construction opportunities, climbing, mud kitchen and messy play but it was so great to really focus in on our children’s awareness of what it takes to be kind to everyone!

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."

Little Forest Folk