Wimbledon - Frog Adventures!

This week in Wimbledon, we discovered that our meadow was home to baby frogs! The children were very kind and caring, following one of our important forest rules whilst we carefully picked them up and explored the size and weight of the frog. When we discovered that there was more than one, we kindly introduced them to each other in the hope that they will make a lovely friendship! We also discovered some gorgeous yellow ragwort flowers on the meadow and explored further to see if it had a smell to it!

We have also had lots of loose part and messy play this week!! From building cars and aeroplanes, utilising the logs and wagon wheels to using guttering to make waterfalls to help keep us cool during this gorgeous summer weather! 

We have said goodbye to a lovely forest friend this week whilst also welcoming a new friend to join us too, it is a time of year where we experience a lot of change in the forest and we are so excited to hear about everyone’s new adventures in and out of the forest!

It’s been a lovely, sunny and fun-filled week in Wimbledon and we are excited to see this warm weather continue!

Little Forest Folk