Wimbledon - Fire Engines!

Little Forest Folk Wimbledon has been a hive of activity this week! We have had fire engines made out of pallets, boats made from wooden planks and doctors surgeries made using any bits and bobs from the forest. It has been great to see the children’s play develop throughout the week depending on what items there are around them.

The children have been really interested in fire engines and fire fighters recently so one of our amazing educators created an incredible fire engine out of pallets! There was a book about natural disasters and how the fire fighters help people, so this led on to some amazing role play. We had water to put fires out, ropes to pull each other up and helmets to keep safe. There was also paint so our little firefighters could decorate the fire engine and make it stand out in the forest!

Tool work has also been popular again this week, continuing with fixing our bird house and making wood cookies. We did some log sawing to create wood cookies, which are used when our children say their goodbye to the forest. We also did some hammering, which was a great opportunity for all of our little explorers to show off the skills that they have learnt this year!

The blackberries are also starting to come out this year and our little adventurers collected some up to use as paint. It was lovely to see their natural paintings using the things around us in the forest.

It has been another fantastic week in the forest as we prepare to say goodbye to some of our explorers. We are looking forward to lots of exciting summer adventures!

Little Forest Folk