Wimbledon Village - Hot, Sticky and Muggy!

Hot, sticky and muggy! These have been our three main adjectives to describe our week in the forest! We were delighted to receive a gentle downpour on Thursday afternoon, it felt well-needed!

Now to tell you about our week…

At the start of the week, we enjoyed diving deeper into activities and things related to emotions. We looked at the colour monster, and how sometimes his mood reflects his colour (red for angry, green for calm etc) and we spoke about how we might be feeling, as well as talking about the fact that it’s okay to feel different emotions.

On Wednesday, Karlenne took the group for a stroll to go on a blackberry hunt! After the children found and picked them, we headed back with our full containers and gave them a good wash! After we had lunch, with the help of Jamie, we put them in a blender, with a splash of milk and made our very own blackberry smoothies! (Which gave lots of children big purple moustaches!)

The next day, there were still so many blackberries left, and so we mushed them down, before doing some beautifully smelling blackberry paintings!

We have really enjoyed our week in the forest, and we look forward to some more fun next week! But first, we hope you all have a great weekend!

Little Forest Folk
Wimbledon Village