Wandsworth - Water and Ice

A week with weather as good as this needs to be complimented with gallons of water and tonnes of ice! Before the weekend, dozens of receptacles of all shapes and sizes were filled with water and left in the chest freezer for Monday. 

These were shunted, scraped, scratched, and walloped to wonderful smithereens that were then used as: magical fairy crystals, frosty cupcake icing, and salt for some chips, as just a few examples. 

In the forest, rivers of rushing water have gushed from the giant portable rolling container. Here, children have worked together to manoeuvre the heavy barrel, and discovered ways to tip and pour effectively into containers without wasting too much at a time to preserve play potential! 

The week ended with gleeful delight from children and educators who had this years first opportunity to play in and around a moving water sprinkler; we’ll be getting this out again over the next few months! 

We’ve been hearing that a few paddling pools may make an appearance this weekend which sounds very exciting, so have a blast and we’ll see you all soon. 

Little Forest Folk