Twickenham - Busy Bees

Hello everyone!

This week has been a special one at Twickenham LFF. Since being at the site we have often glimpsed over the high brick wall and wondered what the buzz was about. On Tuesday we got to find out as the The Twickenham and Thames Valley Bee-keepers' Association kindly allowed us to visit their apiary next door. Our busy bees were well-prepared having spent lots of time learning about bees from our special books and we at Twickenham LFF are very bee-friendly having planted some flowers earlier in the year especially for them (all part of our eco-school target to increase bio-diversity). On arrival we were split into two groups, with one group listening to a short talk and the other heading off to the clever mesh tent that allowed us to safely view the bees at work. We watched a beekeeper smoking out the bees to calm them down and we got the chance to have a look at some of the honeycomb they had produced. Some children were brave enough to hold a male bee (we discovered that only females sting!). Of course we couldn’t return without a jar of locally-produced honey for ourselves to sample. At snack time in the afternoon we each got a teaspoon of delicious honey and everyone agreed it was bee-autiful stuff! Luckily we had enough left over for children who did not get to join us on Tuesday. We are also looking at potential future trips to local sites of interest. Any parents with suggestions, please let us know.

Have a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk