Putney Heath - Fun in the Sun!

We have had an amazing week, soaking up the sunshine and enjoying the warmth. We have engaged in lots of different activities and adventures and have had lots of fun.

Some of our highlights this week include our litter picking adventures and our amazing junk modelling session. We have been on two litter adventures this week and the children showed: great turn taking, understanding of their world and great motor skills when working the litter pickers. The children show more enthusiasm for looking after their environment each day and we are so proud to be working towards our Eco-school’s accreditation as we go.

Our junk modelling session was awesome! The children were able to choose an array of different bits and bobs to make some wonderful creations. We had rockets, spaceships, butterflies and even a water tank. The children displayed some great imagination, and it was a joy to watch.

We hope you all have a restful weekend and enjoy the sun!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath