Wandsworth - Toasted apple

This week we’ve had “snow globe” snow, “sideways” snow and “fluffy” snow throughout the days here, which has felt rather exciting and magical! Thick ice had formed in various receptacles which made new solid shapes for children to repurpose into imaginary objects to use in play. At times, rectangular pieces became toast, crunched shards became fairy crystals, and discs from muffin tins became little wheels for wooden block cars. Some children even discovered ice hidden inside the well of the rubber car tyres and with some support, were able to prize long curved shapes of it out. Here, a child noticed a repeating pattern had been made on these pieces that looked quite like snakeskin, which we all thought was such a great detailed observation!

The new tyres have also provided even more glee by being transformed into a sledge that could be pulled around on the snow. Even when the snow melted, the tyre sledge was still a real hit. Children initially loved being pulled around by educators, but then they took the lead and we enjoyed observing a team united in a common goal of getting friends from A to B. Here, we heard some lovely words of encouragement amongst joyous laughter, and with some support with turn taking the children persevered over the tricky terrain. Triple-stacked tyres also became flowerpots this week as children hid down inside, then pretended to grow out as their friends encouraged them to sprout with pretend watering cans in the glowing wintery sun. Amongst the make-believe fun we were able to talk about what plants need to grow and we can’t wait to start planting our own seeds for indoor germination soon.

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At the start of our week here in the Bowling Club Field both teams were able to enjoy toasted marshmallows or toasted apple over the fire pit. This activity always inspires the children to recreate their own firepits and on the following days children were dragging the loose wooden parts from all corners into a heap. The roleplay continued as children pretended to avoid the invisible smoke, whilst reminding each other not to run, but walk to our tyre seats to watch from a safe distance.

With the days split between the outdoors and indoors, each bubble having their own indoor space, we have been able to introduce different types of resources into play and the children have all enjoyed this slightly different experience. Green team children have spent some time this week learning how to make playdough from natural ingredients. Measurements were discussed and bit by bit, the children were able to work out the right consistency for themselves. As the week progressed, they have remembered the list of ingredients, alongside the scoop amounts, and have done a great job in making the dough by themselves with limited support around the table.

We’d like to add that we are all very proud of the children getting on with the slightly different daily routine this week and they all deserve high fives and big cuddles for doing so well in the coldest weather that we have seen in some time! Have a great weekend everyone and we hope you can enjoy the sun that looks to be making an appearance!

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Little Forest Folk