Wandsworth - Mini Beast Discoveries

This week on the field and in the forest, we have been enjoying the changes in the landscape as much needed intermittent showers and downpours soaked the ground. On the field this gave us gallons of gushing water to scoop and pour down interchangeable guttering, whilst in the forest, dams were built at pace along the dinosaur river to thwart the flow.

As the rains patter down, the worms come up which everyone loves. Here we support children to be comfortable handling mini beasts in a “kind and gentle” way so they can continue finding a deeper connection with the natural world we are blessed to share the spaces with. Children are then quick to learn that the best place to return worms and such is over the rainbow ribbons, or in wilder patches away from ouchy boot steps! 

Beyond worms, children have loved turning over logs in the circle to make exciting discoveries. Here, to much excitement, we found carnivorous centipedes, marching millipedes, and slimy slugs! Children were also fascinated by “tiny little mushrooms” with long stalks only a few millimetres wide. Our adventurers have also loved learning about the bright red “beefsteak mushroom” that seems to be growing exponentially on the felled forest oak! 

Have a great weekend everybody; have fun but remember to rest too! 

Little Forest Folk