Twickenham - Retro Melodies

Hello everyone!

We’ve had a lovely week and the team is so happy to see that our new children are starting to settle in. We are also lucky to have such a welcoming group that has made our new friends feel at home in the forest.

It has been a very musical week in the forest, and we’ve had our box of musical instruments out every day. On Tuesday one of our children began telling an educator that they had been listening to ‘The Beatles.’ This prompted the start of a retro morning of singing, dancing, and musical instrument-playing to many old hits. One of the favourites seemed to be ‘Night fever.’ You should have seen the moves!

We have been listening to melodies of a different sort coming from the trees in our forest, with the birdsong of both robins and coal tits providing a calming background to our play (certainly makes a change from all those noisy parakeets).

Have a lovely weekend!

See you next week!

Little Forest Folk