Wandsworth - 'Forest Fairy Factory'

The week began with fire lighting practice on the field, as we run through a list of our explorers to make sure everybody has a chance to experience this one-on-one activity. With kindling and tinder collected from the forest and around the field, we begin by building a little log cabin, laying twigs into a layered square shape. Next dry tinder is twisted, scrunched and twisted into a “nest” that is gently placed into the cabin. The final ingredient before ignition is a “fairy pillow” from the “Forest Fairy Factory” that gets teased apart gently to increase its surface area. After the fire safety kneeling position is adopted, we are good to go with the part that everyone is very keen to get on with; the “dragon sneeze” fire strike! Here, the children are supported to use a Swedish Fire stick which creates a small shower of sparks that can catch the cotton ball. After we’ve enjoyed a little fire for a few minutes, the fire-starters get to extinguish the smouldering remains by pouring water over to make it safe. All in all, everyone has absolutely loved this activity so far! 

In the Forest, children have enjoyed treasure hunt games and even several turns at using a metal detector! The treasure hunt games have been an extension of the “rainbow space worm” hunt that educators set out around the forest a few weeks ago. This time, children took turns to lead the game, by hiding ten lengths of paracord around the site. Much fun was had running around and finding these treasure pieces! 

With the metal detector, children were tasked with finding a metal coin under a series of numbered leaves. Whilst a fun way to begin to identify or solidify numbers by sight, the excitement at finding a coin sets the forest alive with much happiness and delight which is a joyous experience for all involved!

Hoping you all have a joyous weekend, and get plenty of time to relax too.

Little Forest Folk