Wandsworth - Experimenting Around Icy Puddles

The frosty scenery gave us great sensory opportunities this week. On some days we were able to go out on two adventure walks a day and hot drinks were taken out to refuel whilst soaking in the winter sun. 

This weather gives the children so much to explore and play with. On sticks, tiny but lengthy protruding crystalline ice structures were fun to scrape off and create “snow” and hot handprints decorated frost-glazed logs, creating a nice contrasting pattern. 

Or course, experimenting around ice puddles, and frankly, smashing them up was a top priority! An onomatopoeic chorus accompanied stomping feet as we met each new ice pool along our routes. With all the educators close by supporting, these were excellent moments for children to manage their own risk to better understand the slipperiness of the surfaces. It’s these experiences, including the slips and falls that help children to develop their balance and monitor their own movements on ice moving forward which will help them in their lives outside of Little Forest Folk. 

We hope you’ve managed to enjoy some of the great outdoors in this weather too as the sights, sounds and other sensations are physically and mentally rewarding for us all. 

Looking forward to more adventures next week. See you soon. 

Little Forest Folk