Wandsworth - Daffodils & Volcanoes

The daffodils on the bowling field are brightly and triumphantly trumpeting the arrival of spring next week. These were planted in the late autumn months by many of the children and help us to physically represent ideas around time and growth. Around us, other signs of life are emerging with the sedum green roofs created last year on the playhouses rejuvenating in glorious reds and purples after the wintry frosts. Dead Nettles, a variety that don’t sting, are blooming tiny purple flowers too and alongside the other sprouts and buds beginning to show we all have plenty to investigate and learn about. 

This week on the art tables and tarped floor sections in the forest, children have enjoyed folding, twisting, rolling and snipping colourful tissue paper into flower heads. These have been secured with tape and slotted into cardboard “stems” or attached to thin twigs with many children kindly asking to give them to mummies for the upcoming Mother’s Day. 

The week has ended with some volcanic activities using vinegar and baking powder as an extension of forest games where several children really enjoyed making large earth volcanoes that they filled with spilling water. This activity was supported with several dinosaur books including our favourite; “Ankylosaurus, The Clumsy Club” being read to help support ideas around sharing and letting friends join in with play. 

We hope you have a good restful weekend, and we look forward to hearing about all your adventures next week!

Little Forest Folk