Wandsworth - A Series of Adventure Walks!

This week, a series of lengthy adventure walks have taken us on sun-soaked journeys out into the wild. On one of the loops, we went on a number hunt where children were able to practice number recognition and counting. Children ran with delight towards each new sighting and conversation was rich with proud stories about age and incoming ages! These numbers on posts go up to 9 only, so we have made a tenth for the camp to complete the set on the return. 

On another journey, children were able to enjoy a long tree climbing session on a spectacular fallen specimen that has survived and continues to grow. This is a great activity that helps children to manage risk safely in ways that strengthen the physical but also helps to develop the speed in which the mind assesses a challenge. The upended tree also provided a fascinating root structure to investigate too.

Then, on another walk, an activity was set to collect little sticks for a fire-starting activity that will take place next Monday and Friday. We also scavenged for dried out tinder material and dead branch silver birch bark which ignites exceptionally quickly. Next week we will be learning how to construct a simple fire “log cabin” with twigs, bundling loose tinder, and creating sparks with a Swedish fire stick; everyone here is certainly very excited to have a go! 

Hope you all have a good weekend. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. 

Little Forest Folk