Wandsworth - Forest Darts

This week, what started as a bit of a whirlwind, ended feeling like a gentle whirlpool... 

We were based at our bowling club site this week, a routine and environment very different from what some of our children are used to. The novelty factor was definitely in play, as the environment which is alien to some of our mini explorers became an exciting prospect for them to spend some time in. With the addition of minibus rides as well, it became a super exciting week for those that usually don’t get to experience some of these things. 

Educator Dan made a forest dart board this week, which was a huge focus point. He got a knitted jumper, drew a giant target on it, and found little bullrushes and bits of grass to use as darts, before tying the jumper up, and getting the children to throw these “forest darts” at our homemade dartboard. This activity incorporated some great number recognition whilst being hugely fun at the same time. 

With an exceedingly extended heatwave now on the horizon, we wish our families well over the bright weekend, and thank you for your understanding behind what can only be described as a bit of a topsy turvy week... 

Until next time! 

Little Forest Folk