Wimbledon - Roaring Tigers and Hammering Nails

This week at Wimbledon we have loved using the face paints! Our amazing practitioners have been making the children into an assortment of different creatures from tigers, to clowns to mermaids. This inspired so much imagination play. There have been three little pigs running from the wolf, roaring tigers protecting their house and baby bunnies hopping about.

Also this week we have begun making a “Welcome” sign and all the children have been so enthusiastic to help. Each child got a chance to choose a spot and work hard to hammer in a nail. This took so much determination and focus. The tool work did not stop there as we also had a go at fire lighting with flint and steel.

Both Foxes and Bunnies just love music time. With Joe supporting us on Mondays and Tuesdays there is just endless involvement with instruments, songs, and dancing. The trombone was played this week and caused great laughter and musical noise throughout the forest.

An excellent forest week at Wimbledon!

Little Forest Folk