Twickenham - Tours of the Forest!

This week, we welcomed parents and carers into the forest for stay and play. They entered with excitement, eager to see their children engaged in various activities. TOURS OF THE FOREST! commenced as the children skipped around, proudly showing their special visitors around. Our little explorers enthusiastically picked up resources, demonstrating to the mummies, daddies, and grandmas what they learn each day in the forest.   

The weather was blissfully warm, so some of the children donned their wellington boots and went for a walk in the river. We spotted a sleeping crab and gently covered it with a leaf to protect it from the sunshine. Sparkling dragonflies lit up the blue skies as the children admired the beautiful berries beginning to grow on the trees. Then, the “muddy monsters” trudged back to the forest to dry off. As we returned to drier lands the other children greeted us with watermelon and ice lollies, what a refreshing treat! 

We continued our learning about emotions this week too, with the forest still sectioned into zones of regulation. This time, the educators set out a range of activities to help our little adventurers safely express their emotions. The barn turned into a theatre, it was a very popular part of the forest, a place where our Little Forest Folk-ers could play a number of roles, all with different emotions. There was ice play, muddy pies and lots of painting too. We even got our feet painted and stomped out all our big feelings down a paper trail.  

Oh what fun we had! See you all again next week.  

Little Forest Folk