Twickenham - The Twickenham Train!

This week was full of excitement as the children learnt so much. The forest transformed into a bustling hub of various professionals working hard in their new job roles. A new room was built in the forest, and the children participated in activities that encouraged teamwork.

Throughout the week, little areas were dedicated to different occupations. We had a doctor's surgery where all the children rushed off for their aches and pains. The construction zone became a place for building, demolishing, and creating. Little Forest Folk-ers hopped into their cars and whizzed around the forest. Bodies were quick at work, zooming around with wheelbarrows collecting all the necessary items to build their dream city. All aboard! Here comes the Twickenham train. Children grabbed their bags and off they went to work. After a hard day's work, they stopped by the library to pick up books to read with their families. Some professions involve computers, while others are more hands-on. We had a handy momma build a new mud kitchen for the forest. The children watched closely as she put it all together using items from her toolkit. We discussed the different tools a builder might use and emphasised safety around the kitchen. Pots and pans came out, and away our little explorers went, whipping up their latest delicious creations.

As summer approaches, many of our children will be heading off to school and therefore we are focusing on recognizing the importance of navigating conflict and working as a team. The forest activities were designed around group work and creating as a small group. Our little adventurers talked about how to share items and decide, as a team, what the outcome should be. There were many "please" and "thank yous" and a few "wait your turns." Our children are improving at expressing how it feels to share and work together as a team and we are using what we have learnt about emotions to guide us in communicating. Our Little Forest Folk-ers are getting better at saying when they are unhappy with something and would prefer a change. Older children are making suggestions, and adults are supporting younger ones with what to say.

As our week comes to a close, we have had a lovely afternoon picnic to wish our leavers well as they go off to school in September. It was wonderful to bring lots of proud families together and we of course had many teary educators boasting about our leavers’ wonderful journeys at Little Forest Folk.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend. 

Little Forest Folk