Twickenham - Superheroes and Statisticians!

We have had a wonderful week. It’s been a very busy month of birthdays with children turning four. This week we had two boys turning 4 and the forest was full of superheroes in celebration. Masks and capes, costumes and muscle flexing were all part of our lively day in the crisp chilly spring sunshine.

Throughout this week we have continued with our theme of maths in the forest looking at patterns and creating patterns of our own. Snail shells with their coiling patterns, leopard slugs with their slippery slimy patterns, and colourful sticks combined with clay to create rainbow hedgehogs; all our activities have been challenging and stimulating for our children as they try to replicate the patterns.

Height and weight have also engaged our younger explorers. We built a set of scales with buckets hanging from either end of a hanger. The children delighted in finding out which of two different items weighed more. We discovered how many sticks weighed the same as one rock, how heavy water is and if a cup of sand is heavier than a rock. Armed with tape measures, we have measured the length of our lunch bench, the width of the water bottle box and how tall all of our Little Forest Folk-ers are.

We have cooked in the mud kitchen, explored and measured sand and water, pegged out our laundry on a washing line, as well as poured water down a pipe to see how much water we need to move the ducks along.

Thank you all. See you next time!

Little Forest Folk