Twickenham - Splashing in the River Crane!

We have had the most glorious week of weather as we welcomed the summer holiday campers onto our site!

With a huge variety of activities to stimulate all our minds, whether we are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 years old, our tiny fingers wove spectacular, multicoloured, woollen cobwebs around a copper scarecrow structure, we used our tweezers to investigate tiny pieces of wood, charcoal, leaves and tiny stones and the mud kitchen has been a hive of activity as we have poured, measured and created Olympic themed foods for our athletes to enjoy. 

We have had running, leaping and throwing races as well as cool reading areas where we can lie down and relax under the shade of our huge Plane Tree. We’ve also enjoyed the odd ice lolly or 2. We are so very fortunate to have access to the river Crane which flows along the side of our forest and daily this week we have ventured into the shallow waters and splashed our way upstream to pick the delicious, inaccessible, huge, juicy, purple blackberries. As we made our way upstream, we ducked under the light-dappled low hanging branches of the conker trees and we revelled in the area of bright sunshine. Our regular children were thrilled to be back in the river as we picked up discarded keys, a 10p piece and a broken mobile phone. We don’t like finding pollution in the river. The holiday campers were delighted and amazed as they made their way up the river, as most of them have never walked in a river before! We’ve also had a marvellous time crafting a cardboard box monster head, plaiting tri-colour thread bracelets and moulding clay blobby monsters into curious, yet creative, squishy art. We are all really looking forward to next week and welcoming new friends to share the forest with us!

Little Forest Folk