Twickenham - River Walk

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well and looking forward to a nice bank holiday weekend. As August draws to a close some of our children have been interested in observing how the trees in our forest are already beginning to drop their leaves. Thursday provided some much-needed watering for them and the rest of the flora in our camp.

We also had a wonderful mud painting activity set up by Alys, which the children loved. They mixed colours and explored mark making on a range of surfaces. This gave the children an opportunity to try something new and be creative.

As the weather begins to change, we have been noticing some unusual visitors to our forest. On Tuesday a shiny green bug was found on our climbing trunk. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, we were able to identify it as a Rose Chafer. On Wednesday during our river walk we spotted some large and rather impressive dragonflies. One of the groups expressed their regret that they were not capable of breathing fire!

Have a lovely three-day weekend.

See you all next week!

Little Forest Folk