Twickenham - Little Scientists and Buzzy Buddies

Our first few days back in our beautiful forest have been a joyous experience, especially welcoming back our sessional friends after the easter holidays.

We spent our Wednesday looking after the fellow species in our forest, watching snails as they slipped and slid along the dusty ground and positioning them in the shade to prevent their slimy bodies drying out. Some bees were frantically flying, and the children felt that they were in search of some water as they hovered over holes and wet patches in our mud kitchen. We ventured to our hand washing station and filled up a pan with some water for our buzzy buddies.

The children have also been putting their lab jackets on this week, turning into little scientists. We began our experiments with floating and sinking, collecting objects which we then estimated if they floated or sunk. We then tested each object in some water and found that the majority of the objects collected floated.

We also created a volcano using paper mache, using water and glue and brown paper to scrunch against a kitchen roll tube. The children did a great job of using as much gluey water as possible to make sure the structure stayed strong and stuck together. One child also created a cave on one side of the volcano, making sure there was a small hole around his paper mache. Next week we will begin to paint our volcano before watching it erupt all over its rocky structure.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend; we cannot wait for next week with our first full week back after the Easter break and welcoming our lovely families in to see what their little ones get up to during their magical day!

Little Forest Folk