Twickenham - Happy Earth Day!

Here in the forest, our little adventurers know all about how important it is to look after our planet and how our actions impact the world around us and this week is especially important as it’s Earth Day this Saturday!

Our first course of action was Litter Picking. Our Little Forest Folk-ers put on their gloves, picked up a bin bag and got their pickers at the ready for a very important adventure walk! We discussed what materials we needed to look out for and what we could leave in the forest, the children searched high and low and managed to find even the smallest pieces of plastic which they proudly put in the bin because “we can't have our forest all rubbishy”

Plastic pollution is an issue which we can all help with and this week the children had to sort through lots of recycling and decide which material went where, the pictures on the recycling bins helped and once they got the hang of it they wanted to recycle everything! Some of them even found time to turn old plastic bottles into beautiful butterflies. 

Not forgetting our oceans, we laid out a ‘Save the Sea Creatures’ tough tray where our Little Forest Folk-ers carefully used tweezers to pick out all the litter and plastic from the sea. 

We ended the week planting wildflower seeds for our buzzy bee friends to enjoy and hanging up some homemade bird feeders. Then it was onto giving our bug hotel a spring clean, where we collected lots of dry leaves and twigs to make it a bit more cosy for the bugs. 

We’ve had such a lovely week in the sunshine, talking about how our small acts can have a huge impact!

Let’s keep our planet tidy and remember the three R’s Reduce, Reuse and Recycle - from all at Little Forest Folk, Twickenham.

Little Forest Folk