Twickenham - Going on a Safari!

In order to keep our forest lush and exciting we move to a different area every three months. This week we’ve moved deeper into the forest leaving our old space to rest, relax, and regrow. Our Little Forest Folk-ers have been very excited to re-explore our old space which has become verdant, lush, wild and overgrown with plants, bushes and brambles. The children have helped move our planks of wood and crates from one area to another and thus into the new loose parts area where we created planes which we climbed aboard and all headed off on safari, they have excitedly chosen their mud kitchen space and set it up with shelves and workbenches, and they have reinstated the boundaries around the swing indicating a safe space to stay out of.

We have been thrilled to meet old friends returning for holiday camps and shown them around the area as we’ve looked for bugs, built obstacle courses, and run our water experiments.

We have been engrossed in pattern-making this week using our natural resources of stones and plane tree seeds to create beautiful patterns, whilst observing the way water and rain falls creating sounds and patterns on the dry hard soil.

We have welcomed back staff from holidays, and new staff who will be joining us soon too!

Some of our older children have continued to develop their writing skills and mark making and the younger ones have been so excited to copy and try writing letters and shapes with them. Our new space is starting to look lovely as we hang pictures, settle in and make this old space a little less overgrown. The robins are delighted to have us back in that area too as they wait for crumbs after snack and lunch!

What a wonderful week, we hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk