Putney Heath - The World of Construction!

Our theme of construction continued this week with exciting new activities for our children and holiday campers.

Thanks to a thoughtful donation from a parent, we explored architectural floor plans. The children observed how lines and shapes represent different spaces within a home and used this inspiration to design their own floor plans for treehouses. Combining their love of the forest with their growing knowledge of construction, the children created extravagant and colourful treehouse designs.

We furthered our exploration of shapes by creating nets for homes using squares and triangles. The children got creative, designing the facades of their houses before snipping and chopping the pieces together to build their dream buildings. This hands-on activity enhanced their understanding of geometry and spatial awareness.

In the mud kitchen, we introduced an abundance of tubing and transportation resources. The children manipulated these materials to create complex tube systems, transporting balls all around the forest. This activity encouraged problem-solving, teamwork, and innovation as they worked together to build and test their intricate constructions.

It has been a week filled with creativity, learning, and fun. We are proud of the children’s enthusiasm and ingenuity as they continue to explore the world of construction.

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath