Twickenham - Fun Family Week 

The sun has been shining in the forest this week as we celebrated families in all their wonderful ways, be it big or small or near and far. Our Little Forest Folk-ers have loved bringing in their very own family photos to add to our ‘Forest Family Tree’ - the educators even got involved too! 

It was lovely to see the children having conversations about their loved ones, some who they see often and some who may live far away, with one of our adventurers proudly letting us know that “it doesn’t matter how far away you are from someone, you’re still attached by an invisible string.” 

Many stories have been shared, both fiction and non-fiction about the different family structures that we might have, as well as how our special family relationships make us feel. One of the firm favourites today has been, ‘And Tango Makes Three’ - this story inspired many of the children to create their own penguin nests to look after their babies. Off they waddled, making nests out of any material they could find (sticks, crates, stones, planks etc.). They sure looked cosy!

As it’s road safety week we showed the children how they can keep themselves safe by using cars made from crates, wood and tyres and putting up various signs around the forest. The children quickly learned to let their peers know to “STOP, it’s not safe, there’s a car. Wait for the green light” Of course we played one of our favourite Forest games ‘Red Light, Green Light’ 

Ahead of World Bee Day on Saturday, we ended our week cooking honey flapjacks for Wild Cooking Friday, running around the forest on a Bumble Bee number hunt and doing some gardening in the sunshine, planting our wildflower seeds ready for the bees and butterflies to enjoy. 

Another wonderful week in the forest! 

Little Forest Folk