Twickenham - Full of Fun and a Few Mince Pies!

We said so long to the frost this week and hello to lovely sunshine with some added rain for long awaited puddle jumping! 

The children have been getting creative this week, Monday morning was for homemade playdough making, the children mixed the ingredients then added in some colours to create planets, wiggly worms, and handprints. We’ve also had Christmas crafts, where we used some scrap paper and sparkles to make beautiful cards that the children hurried to put in their bags to give to their grown-ups. 

We’ve been on some adventure walks over to the river to see what the children could spot and we weaved through the forest where we collected up the pictures from the Christmas party treasure hunt. The fire has been lit and we all enjoyed sitting around the edge getting cosy and warm whilst eating our snack and singing the ‘Walk around the fire song.’ There was even time to make an exploding volcano!! 

We ended our week with a mini parachute party where all the staff and children worked together to throw the parachute up in the air and run quickly under it. We also covered it with fallen leaves and watched them flutter as we moved the parachute up and down. 

This week has been full of fun and a few mince pies :) 

Wishing you all the best for the festive season and a very Happy New Year from all at Little Forest Folk Twickenham! 

Little Forest Folk