Twickenham - Fabulous Frosty Fun

Fabulous Frosty Fun

The winter’s sunshine has blessed us with its presence this week in the forest, providing plenty of magical experiences for the children and educators.

We began our week entering a very frosty forest and the children enjoyed hunting around for icy puddles, buckets and tabletops, eager to listen to the satisfying crack or feel the cold and slippery sensation on their hands. This continued throughout the week with some children deciding to place water in various containers to see if they would freeze overnight ready for some more sensory sensations!

Not only did the children enjoy the glacial conditions in our forest but also some other friends that come in miniature size. The children delved deep into the world of the sea creatures as they used their tiny friends to swim through the water and jump through the crisp air. It was great to see the creatures come to life through the children’s eyes, creating different discussions about life in our seas. The dinosaurs also made an appearance, trekking through their leafy habitat and sliding down the slippery planks. One dinosaur even gained a beautiful new colour around its neck!

The children have also enjoyed getting crafty this week, exploring different ways to use wool by making magic wands to role play their magical minds. Some children also enjoyed creating wands for their loved ones, choosing colours that they knew they would enjoy. We also made some pom poms this week, noticing their resemblance to a spider with hundreds of legs! It was lovely to observe the children persevering through the challenge of wrapping the wool round the cardboard and snipping all the tiny loops.

Other crafty creations the children have been involved in include some beautiful nature frames, using various natural materials such as seeds, leaves and sticks. Some children then created a beautiful picture in the centre using a variety of different coloured pens and stamps.

The forest has been radiating role play this week with children boarding on planes, travelling to exotic destinations such as Australia or Spain. Other children enjoyed tackling special missions in their very own cat car, expressing their ideas to friends about who should be the driver and where their next destination was going to be.

We hope you all had a wonderful week, we certainly did! We hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and we look forward to seeing you all next week for more forest fun here in the grounds of Heatham House.

Little Forest Folk