Twickenham - Digging for Treasure

Foggy mornings, sprouting mushrooms, and leaves turning yellow – we are embracing these changes in our forest with open arms as we welcome the autumn season!

Digging is one of the favourite activities of our Little Forest Folk-ers and because our site is situated at the back of the old building of Heatham House, we are always in for a surprise on what we are going to unearth! Broken pieces of crockery, large bricks, and recently, a whole glass bottle of Pepsi that looked decades old – these things always make us wonder what the residents of Heatham House used to do. For us, unearthing these ‘treasures’ only sparks creativity: we used these fragments of pottery as puzzle pieces and we crushed the bricks into smaller pieces using a wooden mallet, then turned them into powder using a pestle and mortar.

Thank you all for making our week fun and exciting! Have a great weekend!

Little Forest Folk