Twickenham - Climbing Courses and Fabulous Flags

It has been another amazing week in the forest. We have spent our time creating a fabulous obstacle course with a cool climbing bit right in the middle, perfect for our brave adventurers to explore. We have also been exploring flags this week and taking our time to copy them on to paper or cardboard so that the children can take them home with them as a wonderful keepsake of the day. We always talk about the country they have chosen and our forest-folkers get so excited to learn how they say hello and other words in different countries around the world. We also continued our creativity with a lot of painting this week including painting onto logs, and even giving the craft table a new makeover!

We are sad that our holiday camps have come to an end, but we have had such a wonderful week settling new Little Forest Folk-ers into the forest and we also cannot wait to welcome back some of our children at the start of term next week. We cannot wait to see you all!

Have a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk