Twickenham - Boats, Trains and Race Cars!

This week the forest transformed into a bustling hub of transportation devices. Various vehicles, from boats to trains and even a few monster trucks vroomed along the muddy paths. Trails that were once quiet with the sound of playing were alive with the hum of engines and the whir of wheels. Children raced each other around the forest, their laughter echoing through the trees. They weaved in and out of the paths on their boats, trains and race cars, adding to the vibrant energy of the forest. Our Little Forest Folk-ers used sticks and leaves as tools, enthusiastically “fixing” and “cleaning” their cars and trains.  The forest floor was a playful workshop, where imagination turned every problem into an adventure and every repair into a triumph.  

Children used big movements to explore, their arms wide as they ran through the forest. They jumped over logs, climbed the A-frame and navigated around bushes with exaggerated gestures. Every step was an adventure to another destination, they grabbed their suitcases and away they went. They spoke about different jobs they were doing in the city, from mechanics to train drivers and even a few performance artists.  

We celebrated a child’s birthday amidst the trees’ beauty. Balloons and banners hung from the ribbons, creating a festive atmosphere and friends gathered around the snack circle with a giant watermelon sparkling with candles. We all sang “Happy Birthday” as the birthday girl beamed with joy.  

Throughout the activities our little adventurers mastered their fine motor skills with activities like painting, drawing, tweezing and cleaning. They carefully painted vibrant scenes on wood, paper and tires exploring how the colours mixed to make lighter and deeper shades. They used tweezers to pick up smaller objects, mastering those little hands and some even took the time to clean up the forest floor, sweeping high and low. 

What a memorable week - see you all after the long weekend!

Little Forest Folk