Putney Heath - Fantastic Stay & Play Week!

This week has been extra special as we welcomed parents to join in our forest adventures during our stay and play sessions. It was heartwarming to see families exploring, creating, and discovering the magic of our forest together.
Stay and Play Sessions 
Our stay and play sessions have been a huge hit, with parents joining their little ones in a variety of forest activities. Together, they read books, crafted paper and wooden aeroplanes, and enjoyed the thrill of our hammock and swing. It was a joy to witness parents and children working and playing side by side, fostering a deeper connection with nature and each other.

Transportation Theme 
This week's theme of transportation has sparked endless creativity and learning. With a variety of resources and books on different modes of transport, our young explorers have been inspired to imagine and create. Using tarps, they built imaginative structures ranging from cars and aeroplanes to travelling circus tents. Their role-playing skills have shone brightly, turning the forest into a bustling hub of activity.

Making Elderflower Cordial
One of our biggest activities this week has been the start of our elderflower cordial-making process. Thanks to the kind donations of honey, sugar, and containers from our lovely families, we kicked off this delicious project. The children eagerly collected elderflower, zested, chopped, and squeezed lemons, and mixed everything together with hot water. Our cordial is now in the fermenting stage, and we look forward to adding all the elderflower goodness together next week.

Have a wonderful long weekend everyone!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath