Wimbledon - Tool Work Galore!

Tool Work Galore!

This week in the Wimbledon forest we have been having so much fun with tool work. There has been sawing, whittling, drilling, and hammering. Our older children have greatly enjoyed practicing these skills again and teaching others, and the younger ones have loved learning a new skill. Through tool work we have also had the opportunity to make some amazing creations, such as necklaces. To make these, the little ones sawed individual small pieces of wood and then drilled holes into them so they could thread on to string.

Along with tool work we have been enjoying a golf ball run; using pipes the children set up a line for the ball to fall down and follow. Taking turns, we would drop the golf balls and see where they would end up. On the meadow we have loved making large bubbles and seeing how far they can go before they pop.

As we reach the end of October there have been lots of Halloween activities. We have built a skeleton out of sticks, made some spooky masks and explored pumpkins. Another fun activity that the foxes and bunnies enjoyed was making ghost puppets using card and lollipop sticks.

It has been a brilliant week in the forest full of learning, exploring and creating!

Little Forest Folk