Putney Heath - Monkey Camp!

This week we began our new adventure on Monkey Camp where the children have enjoyed exploring new areas of the forest and engaging in different activities.

Our conker fun continued this week, and the children had the opportunity to make their own conker necklaces and bracelets using our conker clamp. The children placed their conkers into the clamp and secured it. They then carefully used a hand drill to drill a hole down the centre of the conker and threaded a piece of string through the middle. The children showcased their amazing fine motor skills and executed safe tool work throughout.

The children have also loved using our incredible story stones to create some wonderfully imaginative stories. At the beginning of the week, we set the challenge for the children to pick only 5 story stones and create a story from them. We had some awesome stories including a fire breathing dragon visiting the beach with Spiderman on his back!

We ended this week with the very important task of cleaning our big teeth we have in the forest. The children had the opportunity to draw some food on the big teeth and then wipe them off at the end. We spoke about the importance of brushing our teeth and looking after our mouths.

What a fantastic week we have had here at Putney Heath. We wish you all a very restful weekend!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath