Twickenham - National Poetry Day

Hello everyone, or should I say greetings to all those long-lost friends that come and go like the whispering breeze. Sorry to get carried away with my words, however this week we have been in the mood for lots of them. To coincide with national poetry day on the 6th, we have spent all week discussing what poems are, listening to a range of different ones and even having a go at making up our own!

On Tuesday we read a poem about trees, something we know a lot about at Twickenham Little Forest Folk! Afterwards we talked about types of trees and looked at the shapes of their leaves, having a go at leaf printing and also drawing our own. We used the ink stamp markers to decorate these in lovely autumnal colours.

On Thursday we read some poems about flowers and used a range of materials such as tissue paper, felt flowers, glue, marker pens and glitter to create our own. We looked around the forest to observe that we could no longer see any flowers and the group came up with their own ideas as to why.

When it came to the children’s ideas the themes switched from nature and the wild onto unicorns, dinosaurs, and police cars. Sadly, none of those are regularly found in our forest (not yet anyway).

Have a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk