Putney Heath - Roly Poly Hill fun!

We have had an action-packed week, exploring the wonders of the Roly Poly hill and the surrounding area and what fun we have had!

One highlight of the week has to be our awesome adventure walks to the pond. The Pond is located just a 10-minute walk away from the Roly Poly hill which provides us with such amazing learning opportunities. Along the way, the children have enjoyed stopping to look at different signs and trying to figure out what they are instructing. Once at the pond, we all enjoyed talking about the different animals that might live in the water and what foods they might eat.

Another fantastic activity the children engaged in this week is finishing off our fantastic owl lanterns ready for our festival of lights. The children used different coloured pens to decorate some paper that the educators helped to transform into wings for our owls. We also tested out our lights for the lantern by turning off the clubhouse lights to watch them light up the room!

Some terrific tree climbing has also taken place this week and the children have showcased their fantastic gross motor skills, resilience and strength whilst doing so. Everyone has shown some wonderful encouragement as they have been helping one another climb the trees and using supportive words along the way.

What an amazing week! We hope you all have a restful weekend, ready for more adventures next week, and we can’t wait to see as many of you as possible at our Festival of Lights next Friday!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath