Putney Heath - London Theme!

What a wonderful week we've had with stay and play sessions in the forest! It was heartwarming to see so many familiar faces as parents joined their children, immersing themselves in the joys of forest life.

Our London theme has continued to inspire us, with a particular focus on the Wimbledon tennis tournament. The children have been busy building tennis courts out of logs, playing catching games, and even making their own tennis rackets. With Wimbledon in mind, we couldn't resist incorporating the quintessential treat of strawberries and cream into our activities. Instead of hooking ducks, our little ones hooked strawberries, learning about the laws of magnets and enjoying pretend tasty treats.

The ultimate British staple, tea, was also a highlight this week. The children explored different smells and ingredients to make mint tea. They worked together to grind the mint and add hot water, learning about tea leaves and strainers. Our experiments with various tea-making methods resulted in some delightful drinks for everyone to enjoy.

In addition to our Wimbledon fun, the children delved into London's landmarks, sharing fun-filled stories of their adventures around the city. We plotted these journeys on a map, comparing our experiences and exploring the vastness of our capital city.

Thank you all for another fantastic week. We look forward to more adventures and learning opportunities in the forest!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath