Putney Heath - Decorated Dinos

What a wonderful week in the forest. A group of children built a big volcano on camp showing great teamwork and problem-solving skills. The following day this volcano offered great inspiration to many children's role play. With the right equipment they explored the volcano and made sure it would not erupt and cover the whole camp with lava.

Our dinos got a makeover this week, while the children painted (with) them. It was great to see the children explore different ways to combine paint, paper, and dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs were used as stamps on the paper, some were wrapped with colourful paper and others offered a great canvas to paint on.

Face painting and dancing were very popular activities on Thursday, we had so much fun in the forest, but it was also a bittersweet day, as we said goodbye to three of our friends. The children gathered and on the sound of drum roll the three graduates got their tree cookies and diplomas handed over, which they proudly showed around to their friends.

We wish you a restful weekend!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath