Morden - Wildlife Look-out!

Our Little Forest Folks have been fascinated with animals this week! There have been lots of cool activities and child led play opportunities around animals and caring for them - it's lovely to see their play hold so much detail and care.

One of our crafting activities developed into using our large brown paper to make a 'forest poster' depicting all our favourite animals. The children were using the scissors to create their habitats from the paper, and the chunky chalks to add colour to our posters and animals.

We had a lovely adult led activity where the children practiced their writing skills when looking at the names of different animals - they could copy the writing of the educator, and draw their own letters below, sounding it out as they go. The children were so proud of their fabulous achievements!

Finally, one of the children's favourite play areas was wildlife look-out! We had a hide away where the children could use the binoculars to look for the animals that visit us in the forest, and our nature books to 'research' and 'identify' what they were seeing. It was a brilliant way to introduce them to the concept of research and recording their findings, and we're really excited to build on this activity more in the coming weeks.

Little Forest Folk