Morden - Wild Cooking!

What an amazing week we’ve had in the forest! 

We were very keen to put our culinary skills to the test and so we decided to have not one, but two wild cooking sessions! We made delicious pancakes over the fire which was really exciting. We learned how important it is to follow the rules when we are cooking to keep ourselves safe and observed as our educators prepared the fire pit carefully and safely by making sure they were wearing protective gear. We also learned how we should keep a safe distance from the flame and how important it is to follow directions. 

Another highlight of our week was the time taken to experiment with working with tools to create our very own forest cookies. We learned how to use a saw safely to cut a piece of wood from a branch. We enjoyed using our strong muscles to keep the saw going back and forth. Then we used our amazing creative skills to draw our favourite animals or dinosaurs on the front to make spectacular medallions.

Some of our friends are beginning to talk about going to Reception in the Autumn so we thought it would be fun to have a taste of what it would be like to start “Big School”. We made a wonderful classroom using logs for the chairs and tables. We also practised doing roll calls in which we all enjoyed shouting “here” when our name was called and had a wonderful time practicing our mark making by writing letters. 

Have a lovely weekend! 

Little Forest Folk