Morden - Welcoming Holiday Campers!

What an amazing week we’ve had in the forest!

We were so excited to welcome our holiday campers into the forest. It was so lovely to see and spend time with our old friends who have left and have come back for a visit and to welcome new friends.

This week we enjoyed making things using resources we’ve found in the natural space around us. We made some delicious pesto using cleavers we foraged in the forest. Our educators explained that there are plants that are ok to eat and plants that are not good for us. When we forage, we should always do it with an educator to make sure it’s safe and we should remember our rule of ‘no picking and no licking’ if we are not foraging with an educator. When we found the cleavers, we thought they felt fuzzy between our fingers and much to our surprise, they were very sticky and clung to our clothes! We mixed our foraged cleavers with pumpkin seeds and garlic, drizzled some olive oil and blitzed it to make a delicious paste to eat with our oatcakes. It was absolutely delicious!

After a gardening afternoon where we put on our gardening gloves and tidied up our herb garden by weeding, we noticed our mint plants looking very happy and full. We thought it would be refreshing to cool down after a gardening session with a nice cup of mint tea. We picked just enough leaves so more will grow and we boiled some water in our fire pit. After waiting for the tea to cool down, we gathered around for a rest while sipping our brewed tea to the sound of robins singing.

Lastly, we thought it would be so much fun to make soap. We had fun smelling different scents and choosing the right combination that would make us feel uplifted. We put this in our wax batter and after giving it a vigorous mix, we poured it into moulds and waited for them to solidify. We were very pleased with the result and gave our educators a bar to take home.

Have a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk