Morden - The Three Little Pigs!

This week in the forest, we transported ourselves to school Reception to explore letters and how to write the letters in our name. We are very proud of our names and we wanted to write them on a large canvas using thick brushes and our favourite paints so that they are big, bright and colourful for everyone to see. We made lines going up and down, side to side, then curls and waves to get our creative juices flowing. Next, we chose our stencils and using finer brushes, we traced the shape of the letters on the paper over and over again, as much as we needed, until we were happy with our letter. Some of us wanted an extra challenge so we pretended to be astronauts and used the universe to write our name using the stars. We connected the stars to form the letters of our name and showed our finished work proudly.

We also put our acting skills to the test by making a puppet show. We absolutely loved the story of the Three Little Pigs, so we made props for our show and gathered all our friends to watch us on stage. Everyone acted beautifully, showing enthusiasm through their actions and said their lines very well. The audience felt nervous as the sneaky Big Bad Wolf tried his very best to catch the Pigs unawares, while we cheered for the clever Pigs who managed to outsmart him.

We were still reeling from excitement, learning about different musical instruments, so we decided to learn a little bit more about how people have made amazing music with them. We were lulled into a calmness as we watched a violinist play a soulful melody. We were particularly interested in the way her bow went up and down as she played different notes. We were excited by an amazing drummer, who played faster and faster as the song went on. We thought of trying it ourselves and so gathering pots and sticks, we set up our own drum kits and tried to play as fast as we could, just like the drummer. The best part was playing our guitar! We played We Will Rock You and Old MacDonald had a Farm on our card guitar, our hands going up and down and our fingers moving along the fretboard. 

What an amazing week we’ve had in the forest!

Little Forest Folk