Morden - Sporty Superstars

Ready, set, GO!

Morden forest has been transformed into the Olympic games this week! The children had to run, jump, and navigate the tricky course and see how fast they could each make it through.

The course started with our friends lining up to get our racing numbers on the back of our hi-vis jackets and standing as still as statues on top of the platform so they could wait for the countdown “3, 2, 1, GO!”. The team would chant each other’s names as they set off! As the race went on, we had to jump two feet between the different coloured hula-hoops without touching the floor “don’t touch the lava!”. We then shuffled underneath the low-hanging tarp, weaved between the big buckets, and zoomed as fast as we could under the finish line!

It was so great to see so much encouragement and support between the children! We can’t wait to introduce more sports and games in the future.

Little Forest Folk