Morden - If you go down to the woods today!

If you go down to the woods today!

Our adventurers have been involved in some brilliant projects this week! The children have been super immersed in imaginative play whilst looking for ‘bears’ in the forest, using the jungle path as the ‘bear cave’, and hopping between obstacles on their journey. The children have been taking turns leading the search party, taking imaginative tools with them “I’ve got my bear goggles!” “I’ve got my car! Who wants to look with me in my car?”. It’s been so lovely to see how this play has been developing over the week! They’ve been going to ‘teddy bear parties’ and finding each other ‘bear snacks’ to share!

As the children were looking for ‘bear snacks’, our cooking activity for this week has been making Vegan Honey! The children took turns to pour in the ingredients of edible flowers and juice, from Spike’s super-secret recipe! The Little-Chefs loved talking about the different sweet smells and colours!

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To help out with our adventures, the Little Forest Folk-ers created some Forest Maps! We spoke about a ‘birds-eye-view’, and how the magpies see the forest when they’re flying! The children chose the most important areas of the forest to them, and with some guidance from the educators, created maps on both a big roll of paper, and later, our big wooden board to come back and look at later in the day!

To finish off the week, we’ve been giving some care to our planting pots at the front of the forest! We have some new herb plants and flowers which we can grow in the colder weather. It was a nice opportunity to talk about the change in seasons and how we can keep our plants healthy!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Little Forest Folk