This time of year always makes our forest rule of ‘No Picking, No Licking’ very difficult for the children with the temptation of berries appearing in our forest. To support this, we explain to the children that they are allowed to pick when they are with the educators so that they can help identify the berries. So that’s what we did this week, we gave all the children who wanted to join in a little tub, and we started harvesting all the yummy blackberries. The children all got stuck in and we used one large tub as our collection point where the children could drop off their berries. We then gave the berries a wash and we froze them for a future cooking activity! Speaking of cooking, one of our lovely children brought in a huge beetroot from their allotment to show the children! Our educator, Maria, was inspired by this and brought in some ingredients for the children to make a beetroot salad to try! There were mixed reactions to the taste, but it is always lovely trying new things!
Little Forest Folk