Morden - A Farewell to the Chickens!

An incredible week has reached its end! We would like to thank all the parents who participated in the “Stay and Play” days in the forest! Children were so happy showing all the forest adventures to their parents! 

One morning we ran a forest activity with Maria. Children were invited to hammer their initial letters on a mini mdf panel. Following the marks on the plank they were able to hammer the nails and create their initials! This activity allows them to become familiar with the right direction of the letters, to aid mark-making. It was a great opportunity to combine pre-writing and forest activities through a game!

We were so lucky to be able to host the little chickens for 10 days! On Thursday we had to say goodbye to them and thank them for the wonderful moments! The experience was so beneficial for our Little Forest Folk-ers. We received them from the early stage of an egg, we saw them hatching, keeping warm, drinking and eating until they were strong enough to head back to their farm! 

We also had a delivery of some plants and vegetables this week! This encouraged our little adventurers to get up to their elbows in compost! We filled recycled tyres full of compost using our shovels and flattening the top! We chose plants to bury in the middle and watered them to help them settle into their new home! We’re looking forward to watching these grow, harvesting any fruits and vegetables 🥬 and maintaining our little vegetable plot! 

We have also had some extra ‘mud kitchen’ supplies arrive in the forest this week! This has led to lollypop-making, new recipes such as mud chocolate milkshakes and even some potions! The little ones have been busy creating and finding ingredients to use in the new utensils! ‘Watch me I’m filling up the lollies!’ ‘What would happen if we put them in the freezer?’ Our inquisitive explorers were able to fill the lolly mould with water, leaves and other ingredients found in the forest such as ‘sprinkles’ ‘chocolate chips’ and ‘honey!’ Once these were frozen they enjoyed selling them in their cafe!

Enjoy the bank holiday! See you next week!

Little Forest Folk