Fulham - Trombone Tales

Hello everyone,

We’ve had a wonderful week in the forest. The children have been so excited with the mud kitchen and experimenting with different textures. We had chocolate, strawberry and vanilla ice cream, chocolate mousse with sprinkles, cupcakes, and poisonous soups!

The children enjoyed playing with clay, paint, and chalk. They even tried mixing different colours together, which led to the discovery of even more shades!

Water games are still popular amongst our children, and it is amazing to see that they have improved their grip by practicing squeezing the top of the water spray.

Joe has been with us in the forest and the children absolutely loved learning new songs and listening to the instruments, but the best thing was having a turn at playing the ukulele and having a go with a trombone! It was tricky but so satisfying!

The rain brought lots of opportunities for the children to explore a different environment in the forest. From jumping in muddy puddles, to have the best mud kitchen ever! It was super fun!

Have a great weekend!

Little Forest Folk