Fulham - Splashing Around!

Our week in the Fulham Forest has been great!

We’ve loved having the wet weather back on camp which only means one thing… that’s right, puddle splashing! On an adventure walk to Bishops Park we found the biggest puddles. We all had the best time creating huge splashes by jumping up and down. We even incorporated some numbers into the activity to encourage the children to jump different numbers of times.

Our little explorers have really enjoyed our mud kitchen this week as the wet weather has really helped this section of the forest thrive! The fresh, wed mud has turned the mud kitchen into all types of amazing places, helping to develop their role play and imagination. Working together one day to create a cool water ramp, the children enjoyed the idea of transporting water from the top of the ramp to the bottom.

In order to work on some physical development, some little obstacle courses were created and the children were great at helping each other and assisting where needed to help everyone complete these successfully.

Our little adventurers loved the opportunity of having sand on camp this week too! Using different sized containers and mini spades we had fun making lots of castles and one of our new educators even taught us how to make a sand octopus!

What a great week this week has been. We will look forward to seeing all the fun things we get up to next week.

Little Forest Folk