Fulham - 'Pantosaurus'

Welcome back to our week in the Fulham forest. We have been focusing our week on our new favourite story ‘Pantosaurus’. This has been a fun-packed story for the children to enjoy which also has an important message to go with it.

Some of our activities at camp have been inspired by this, ranging from decorating and designing some cut out pants and enjoying listening and dancing to the ‘Pantosaurus’ song.

To our amazement this week, we got to see some snow! We were all super excited and, using magnifying glasses, we enjoyed having a closer look at the little snowflakes as they fell on our jackets.

To improve on our number recognition and counting we’ve been using our lock and keys. Encouraging the children to count the dots that are on each lock, they then had to find the key with the correct number on it to open each lock.

It’s been great having some fine motor skills activities set up on camp this week for our children to work on too. A great paper weaving activity took place where our little explorers had the opportunity to really practise the skill of threading the paper in and out to make some colourful patterns.

Our Little Forest Folk-ers have also had the most amazing time enjoying the addition of some sand play this week, creating their own little sandcastles in the tray and exploring the textures of the sand and how it feels in their hands.

We’ve had the most amazing first week back in the Fulham forest and can’t wait to see all the exciting adventures 2024 brings!

Little Forest Folk